Frequantly Asked Questions
⦁ How do I store my honey?
⦁ Store in at room temperature.
⦁ What to do when my honey crystalizes?
⦁ Stiles honey is still good for consumption after crystallization.
⦁ Place the bottle in microwave for 20 seconds at a time until honey has returned to liquid form.
⦁ What do I do if my creamed honey liquifies?
⦁ Once Stiles Creamed Honey has been liquified, it unfortunately cannot be reverted to cream.
⦁ What do I do with Bee Pollen?
⦁ Visit our recipe’s tab for delicious ideas for our bee pollen.
⦁ How should I store bee pollen?
⦁ Pollen should not be heated as heating will destroy the nutrients. Storing your Fresh Bee Pollen in the
refrigerator or freezer will extend its shelf life.
⦁ Don’t see your question… reach out to us at ⦁ info@stileshoney.com